EISSN: 2980-0749
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2010, Volume 8, Number 3, Page(s) 105-110
[ Summary (Turkish) ] [ PDF ] [ Similar Articles ]
The Effect of Hemolysis on Routine Emergency Biochemistry Tests
Türkan Yiğitbaşı1, Banu Aslan Şentürk1, Yasemin Baskın2, Mutlu Öney1, Füsun Üstüner1
1İzmir Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi I. Biyokimya Kliniği, İzmir
2Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Onkoloji Enstitüsü, Temel Onkoloji Anabilim Dalı, İzmir
Keywords: Emergency service, blood chemical analysis, hemolysis

Objective: Although there have been many studies about the pre-analytic errors of hemolysis on laboratory tests, different results were found with different work environments and different methods. This study was put together to investigate the effects of hemolysis on routine methods performed to incoming emergency patients and to eliminate these effects.

Materials and Methods: Nine serum pools containing 0-3060 mg/dl final hemoglobin concentrations were formed using hemolysate. The amount of ac quired hemoglobin of hemolysate was measured in CELL-DYN 3700 hemogram analyze r (Abbott Diagnostic Systems, Illinois, USA). The same day routine tests were consecutively done on the serum pools including glucose, urea, creatinine, aspartate amino-transferase alanine amino-transferase, total bilirubine, direct bilirubine, creatine kinase, amylase, calcium, sodium, potassium, chloride tests (Architect C 8000, Abbott Diagnostic Systems, Illinois, USA). Effects of hemolisis on test results were evaluated using CLIA 88 criteria's.

Results: According to biochemical measurement results serum samples which included up to 187 mg/dl hemoglobin had acceptable hemolysis effects. Serum samples that had 350 mg/dl hemoglobin concentration aspartate amino-transferase, alanine amino-transferase, direct bilirubine, sodium and potassium measurements were outside of acceptable levels. Additionally, at 750mg/dl hemoglobin concentration blood glucose, total bilirubine and chloride; at 1500 mg/dl hemoglobin concentration blood urea and calcium tests measurements were out of bounds.

Conclusion: Using automatic analyzer Architect C 8000, after readaptations with our finding according to sample interference indices saline protocol would decrease the effect of hemolysis on test results.

[ Summary (Turkish) ] [ PDF ] [ Similar Articles ]
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